Học bổng khóa học Viết đề xuất dự án Biến đổi khí hậu và Năng lượng sạch


Course date:
May 26 – June 27, 2014
On-line application (at Nuffic website):
SOL open for on-line applications
August 1, 2013
According to Nuffic rules: you first apply for admission directly to the Dutch institution that offers the short course of their choice. The Dutch institution assesses the application and decides whether or not to admit you to the short course. You will receive a letter from the institution informing you if you have been admitted.
For more information about SOL click HERE
Application deadlines:
For NFP candidates to CSTM-University of Twente/Nuffic*
October 1, 2013
For privately sponsored candidates
February 1, 2014
For more information about fellowships for short courses click HERE
* Please note that you can only apply for NFP fellowship if you have not received an NFP fellowship or any other fellowship in three years prior to the start of this short course.
Information for Indonesian applicants:
StuNed offers fellowships for this short course and therefore this is a great opportunity for Indonesian mid-career professionals. Application deadline for the StuNed scholarship is October 1, 2013. For more information about StuNed fellowship, please visit the University of Twente website:http://www.utwente.nl/internationalstudents/scholarshipsandgrants/
In this course RETScreen is used as a software tool to analyze the feasibility of the energy projects. See for more infowww.retscreen.net or read this pdf

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