Senior Adviser to the Energy Partnership Programme between Vietnam and Denmark
As senior adviser you will serve as an expert in energy planning, in energy system modelling and in energy policy scenario development with particular focus on power system. In addition to this, your responsibilities will also include coordination and follow-up on progress of programme activities on integration of wind and solar energy into the power system and activities on energy efficiency in industry. You will be posted with the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade. The overall goal of the Energy Partnership Programme is to assist Vietnam with low carbon development of the energy system.
You have flair for policy processes, are strong in energy system modelling with knowledge on modelling tools such as Balmorel, LEAP or TIMES and are experienced within the use of energy scenarios as policy input and basis for policy dialogues. You have the ability to work at inter-disciplinary teams and the capacity to facilitate processes, which engages multiple participants and stakeholders. You hold a relevant master’s degree, have extensive knowledge of Danish and international energy and climate policy and have experience with development work in Asia and openness towards and capacity to work in a different cultural setting. You are fluent in English. Fluency in Danish is an advantage.
Long Term Energy Adviser (N1) – Energy Partnership Programme in Vietnam
Recruitment no.: DK-03473-2017/VIE.01