Danh sách các khóa học về Năng lượng tái tạo tại Anh

Để cung cấp chỉ dẫn các em học sinh, sinh viên và phụ huynh cũng như những người muốn nâng cao trình độ về Năng lượng tái tạo, DEVI xin giới thiệu danh sách các trường Đại học, Viện nghiên cứu và Trung tâm đào tạo về Năng lượng tái tạo tại Anh. 

Về Học bổng tại Anh, vui lòng tham khảo học bổng Chevening tại đây 

  • University of Northumbria – Offers the European Master in Renewable Energy Course (EUREC) / Photovoltaics -Specialisation Provider 
  • Loughborough University – Offers the European Master in Renewable Energy Course (EUREC) 
  • Kingston University – Offers a Renewable Energy Engineering PgDip/MSc 
  • Queen Mary University of London – Teaches an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems 
  • Green Dragon Energy – Green Dragon Energy conducts a range of courses dealing with various aspects of renewable energy on a regular basis at various locations in the UK and Europe including Germany and the UK 
  • Centre for Sustainable Energy – Delivers short, interactive training courses for a wide range of audiences, including community groups, local authority staff, energy professionals, energy company staff, businesses, advice-providers and interested individuals 
  • University of Exeter – Offers a BSc Renewable Energy. Taught on the UoE’s Cornwall Campus 
  • National Energy Foundation – NEF is now delivering a number of courses in sustainable energy. There are a total of 22 modules which have been grouped under the areas: Carbon Reduction, Energy Awareness, Energy Management & Monitoring, Energy Policy Energy Saving, Funding and Renewable Energy 
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) – Offering a range of advanced engineering courses in renewable energy, including MSc and European Masters course. Short courses also available 
  • Epogee – Offers training courses in environmental energy, especially Solar Hot Water (Solar Heating) Courses – suitable for Solar Installers, Heating Engineers, Plumbers and Novices 
  • University of Nottingham – teaches an MSc Electrical Technology for Sustainable and Renewable Energy Systems, and BEng/MEng Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems 
  • Aster Training – Course aimed at advisers; local authority staff; energy managers and householders who want an introduction to the main renewable energy technologies to include grants, planning issues and combining the different technologies 
  • University of Reading – Offers both MSc andf PgDip in Renewable Energy, Technology and Sustainability 
  • North East Wales Institute of Higher Education – Offers BEng Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies, and FdEng Renewable Energy Systems degrees 
  • University of East London (CITE) – Teaches an MSc Renewable Energy and the Built Environment 
  • Newcastle University – Teaches an MSc Renewable Energy 
  • University of Ulster – Offers a Postgraduate Diploma / MSc in Renewable Energy and Energy Management 
  • Connaught Academy – Solar water heating course has been developed in conjunction with the Solar Trade Association (STA), the UK trade association for solar water heating systems. The course is aimed at qualified or experienced domestic heating engineers and plumbers 
  • British Eco – Bpec and LOGIC Certification offering nationally recognised renewable energy qualifications 
  • Sundance – Offers a course on setting up a biodiesel enterprise with information on legislation, financing, operational logistics as well as practical opportunities for hands-on production of biodiesel and operation of a biodiesel plant 
  • University of Glamorgan – Offers an MSc Renewable Energy and Resource Management 
  • Heriot-Watt University – Teaches an MSc in Renewable Energy Redevelopment 
  • University of Exeter – Renewable Energy Training Modules are aimed at recent graduates and established industry professionals who require fast track training in current Renewable Energy technologies 
  • Durham University – Offering an MSc in New and Renewable Energy 
  • University of Southampton – Offering an MSc Sustainable Energy Technologies

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