Mời tham dự seminar “Renewable Energies for Vietnam” tại Đức

Expert-Information-Seminar “Renewable Energies for Vietnam”
The GIZ State Office Bavaria of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, (www.giz.de), operates on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Technology and Transport. We work closely with the private sector and promote results-oriented interaction between the development and foreign trade sectors. Bavaria is a Free State in Germany – situated right in “the heart of Europe”. Bavaria has one of the strongest economies in Europe. The purchasing power is one of the highest worldwide. The economy is a tight network of small and medium sized industrial companies, trading and service businesses, but also global players are located here, such as Adidas, Audi, BMW, Siemens. Bavaria maintained its attractive natural and social location factors, intact nature and internal security. The Free State has strategically boosted its competences in future technology.

Target group:
Eighteen professional experts and managers from private commercial enterprises and governmental authorities in the Energy Sector.

This Expert-Information-Seminar is organized within the framework of the development cooperation of the Free State of Bavaria. It is designed to support business contacts. In this context the seminar aims to foster cross-cultural business relations between Bavaria and Vietnam.
Participants will through the seminar:
Gain valuable insight in the general framework conditions of renewable energies in Bavaria
Attain knowledge in the technologies of renewable energies (focus on solar/hydro/biomass)
Gather information on the potentials and qualities of the providers of renewable energy technologies and services in Bavaria
Establish contacts and develop action strategies for cooperation between decision makers, managers and professional experts from Bavaria and Vietnam.

Presentations and discussions on the general framework, technological approaches and innovative solutions in the area of renewable energies in Bavaria
Visits in and establishment of contacts with Bavarian companies and institutions
Workshop with Bavarian Experts
Learning and teaching methods:
The main focus of the seminar is contacts and visits in Bavarian institutions and companies. These will be well prepared and rounded up with professional presentations and discussions.

We kindly invite you to participate in the seminar that will take place from 21 July (arrival) to 3 August (departure) 2013 in Munich and other locations in the Free State of Bavaria / Germany.

Admission Requirements:
University degree or equivalent qualification
Minimum of three years professional experience in the renewable energy sector
Language: English
Partner Country: Vietnam
Certificate of participation

Sponsored by Participants:
International travel expenses;
Visa Fee

Sponsored by Bavarian State Government:
Design and organisation of the seminar, travelling costs in Bavaria, board and lodging during the seminar period

Deadline for Application:
23 June 2013
For further Information please contact:
Mr. Phan Thanh Tung
E: tung.phan@giz.de;
T: 04 3941 2605 # 14;
F: 04 3941 2606;
M: 0977 935 010.
GIZ State Office Bavaria
Wielinger Str. 52
D – 82340 Feldafing, Germany
T +49 8157-938-714
F +49 8157-938-777
(if you have questions concerning

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